

so as (not) to    表目的

1. 我要早點睡以得到充足的睡眠

I will go to bed early so as to get enough sleep.

2. 你上課要專心才能得到好成績

You have to concentrate in class so as to get good grades.

3. Ted必須花些時間做運動才能保持身材

Ted has to spend some time exercising so as to keep fit.

4. Mike想考上好大學才不會讓他的父親失望

Mike wants to enter a good college so as not to let his father down.

5. 她穿上外套以免感冒

She put on a coat so as not to catch a cold.


adj./adv.  enough + to V    足以~~

enough  N + to V

1. 這張沙發大到足以讓我睡在上面

This sofa is big enough for me to sleep on.

2. 我的錢不夠買那條裙子

I don’t have enough money to buy that skirt.

3. 媽媽沒有足夠的時間準備晚餐

Mom didn’t have enough time to prepare dinner.

4. 你已經解釋的夠清楚了足以讓我們了解

You have explained it clearly enough for us to understand.

5. Jason的成績夠好足以進入國立大學

Jason’s grades are good enough to enter a national university.



one ….the other…

1. 我有兩個叔叔。一個住在日本,另一個住在美國。

I have two uncles. One lives in Japan, and the other lives in U.S.A.

2. 我的兩個姐姐之中的一個唸大學,另一個讀高中。

One of my two sisters studies in college, and the other (studies) in senior high school.

one….another …..the other

3. 我有三個網友。一個是法國人,另一個是西班牙人,還有一個是巴西人。

I have three key pals. One is from France, another is from Spain and the other is from Brazil.

some ….others

4. 公園裡有許多小孩。一些在放風箏,其餘的在騎腳踏車。

There are many children in the park. Some are flying kites and the others are riding bikes.

… is one thing and … is another

5. 說是一回事,做又是另一回事。

To say is one thing and to do is another.


with + O + OC     表附帶的狀況

1. Cathy閉著眼睛坐在椅子上

Cathy sat on thechair with her eyes closed.

2. 那個偵探站在門邊口中叼著一根雪茄

The detective stood at the door with a cigar in his mouth.

3. 那女孩面帶笑容的站在那裡

The girl stood there with her face smiling.

4. 嘴裡都是食物的時候不要說話

Don’t talk with your mouth full of food.

5. 他眼中含著淚水告訴我一個悲傷的故事

He told me a sad story with tears in his eyes.





1. 我喜歡住在台北,那兒有很多博物館可參觀。

I love living in Taipei, where there are many museums to visit.

2. 我們去Ruby餐廳吧,在那裏你可以吃到很好吃的海鮮。

Let’s go to Ruby Restaurant, where you can eat very delicious seafood.


S + find + O + OC       受詞補語可以是 adj./ Ving/ pp/N/介係詞片語

1. 他們發現他們對藝術的品味十分接近

They found their taste in art very similar.

2.  Mandy發現一個老太太獨自一人走在公園裡

Mandy found an old lady walking alone in the park.

3. 有些遊客發覺這些路標十分令人困惑

Some tourists find these road signs very confusing.

4. 當他們回到家時發現他們的房子被闖空門了

When they returned home, they found their house broken into.

5. 在派對中我們發現Luke裝扮的像是國王一樣

At the party, we found Luke dressed like a king.



whichever/ whatever/ whoever/ however 引導副詞子句

1. 不管我多麼的努力,我都無法達成我的目標。

However hard I try. I can’t achieve my goal.

2. 不管他說什麼,現在都沒人會相信他了。

Whatever he says, no one believes him now.

3. 無論發生什麼事,我都會在你身邊。

Whatever happens, I will be with you.

4. 桌上有幾本書。不管你喜歡哪一本,都可以帶回家。

There are some books on the desk. Whichever you like, you can take it home.

5. 不管你做什麼,都不會改變我的心意。

Whatever you do, you can’t change my mind.


as if + 子句 (1.真的可能發生 / 2.與事實相反)

1. 看起來似乎我們的隊快要贏了。

It looks as if our team is going to win.

2. 你有聽到從公園傳來的音樂嗎? 聽起來好像是在開演唱會。

Do you hear the music coming from the park? It sounds as if they are having a concert.

3. Jean總是表現的好像自己是女王一樣。

Jean always acts as if she were a queen.

4. Jimmy才三歲,但有時他講起話來像是六十歲一樣。

Jimmy is three years old, but sometimes he talks as if he were sixty.

5. 當他從房間走出來的時候,他看起來像是見鬼了一樣。

When he came out from the room, he looked as if he had seen a ghost.


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