


1. 我父親,身為醫生,每天都很忙碌。

My father, who is a doctor, is busy every day.

2. 我好高興見到Ray他是我的高中時的情人。

I was so glad to see Ray, who was my high school sweetheart.

3. 教我們戲劇的王老師下個月要退休了。

Mr. Wang, who teaches us drama, is going to retire next month.

4. 曾是我們班上模範生的Tessa現在在小學教音樂。

Tessa, who was a model student in our class, teaches music in a primary school.

5. 扮演著有錢商人的Christ指著Harry的頭。

Christ, who was playing the rich merchant, pointed at Harry’s head.


與事實相反的假設    if 子句用過去式,主要子句用could/would + 原型V

1. 如果我是隻鳥,我就可以在天空中飛翔。

If I were a bird, I could fly in the sky.

2. 如果我有他的電子郵件,就能立刻和他聯絡了。

If I had his e-mail address, I could contact him immediately (at once).

3. 如果我能騎摩托車去學校,我就不會遲到了。

If I could ride a motorcycle to school, I wouldn’t be late.

4. 如果Lisa能有一段長假的話,她就去歐洲了。

If Lisa could have a long vacation, she would go to Europe.

5. 如果時光能倒流,我就會多花些時間陪我女朋友。

If I could turn the clock back, I would spend more time with my girlfriend.



間接問句    順序按照直述句:主要子句 + 疑問詞 + S +V + O + …

1. 你可以告訴我這間購物中心什麼時候打烊嗎?

Can you tell me when the shopping mall will close?

2. 我不了解她在說些什麼。

I have no idea what she is talking about.

3. 我想知道Ben最喜歡哪種顏色。

I would like to know which color Ben likes best.

4. 你知道David有多高嗎?

Do you know how tall David is?

5. 每個人都想知道自己是否會贏得樂透。

Everyone wants to know whether he (he or she )will win the lottery.


從屬連接詞 while    表對照

1. 這本書的第一章是簡單的,而第二張卻相當難。

The first chapter of the book is simple, while the second one is quite difficult.

2. Tessa長的很瘦小,聲音卻很宏亮。

Tessa is short and thin, while her voice is loud and clear.

3. Peter 忙著打報告,而Ray卻躺在沙發上看電視。

Peter is busy typing his report, while Ray is lying on the sofa watching television.

4. Monica喜歡數學課,Frank卻一點也不喜歡。

Monica likes math class, while Frank doesn’t enjoy it at all.

5. Kevin想存錢,而他的太太卻想買一個LV手提包。

Kevin wants to save the money, while his wife prefers to buy an LV handbag (a Louis Vuitton handbag).



分裂句    表強調

1. 就是Ruth借我這本字典的

It was Ruth that (who) lent me the dictionary.

2. 我們贏了那場比賽

It is we that (who) win the game.

3. Cathy肚子餓了

It is Cathy that (who) is hungry.

4. 就是今天早上我看到Jack在公園裡慢跑

It was this morning that (when) I saw Jack jogging in the park.

5. 今天早上就是在公園裡我看到了Jack在慢跑

It was in the park that (where) I saw Jack jogging this morning.



1. 你曾經去過紐約嗎?

Have you ever been to New York?

2. 自從我母親過世之後,我就一直照顧我的妹妹們

I have taken care of my younger sisters since my mother passed away.

3. Tina已經看過那部電影八次了

Tina has already seen that movie eight times.

4. Brad從來沒吃過臭豆腐

Brad has never had stinky tofu.

5. Claudia 是我見過最美的女生

Claudia is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.




how + adj. + it  is + to V

what  it  feels like + to V

1. 我真想知道當兩歲小孩的褓姆是什麼感覺

I really want to know what it feels like to babysit a two-year-old child.

2. 我不記得盪鞦韆的感覺了

I don’t remember what it feels like to swing.

3. 你能告訴我們和電影明星共進晚餐的感覺嗎?

Can you tell us what it feels like to have dinner with a movie star?

4. 你能想像到香港度假的感覺有多好嗎?

Can you imagine how good it is to spend a vacation in Hong Kong?

5. 我永遠不會忘記衝浪有多麼的刺激

I will never forget how exciting it is to go surfing.



1. 我看著她從口袋裡拿出一張紙

I watched her take out a piece of paper from her pocket.

2. 我們感覺到地在動

We felt the ground moving.

3. Lisa 聽到Tina在跟 Jeff講話

Lisa heard Tina talking to Jeff.

4. 你有聽到鳥兒在遠處唱歌嗎?

Did you hear the birds singing in the distance?

5. 當在Jill站在台上的時候,我注意到她在發抖。

I noticed Jill trembling when she was standing on the stage.



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