New Far East Book Three Lesson One


brave (adj.) = courageous, bold, daring  ←→ cowardly, timid

bravery (N) = courage

bravery in the face of danger 面對危險的膽量

Our men wiped them out, but the enemy fought bravely.

The general is as brave as a lion.


face (N) (V)

be faced with  sth  遭遇,面臨

face (up to)  sth  面對

face the music  面對現實

Tina looked relaxed and calm when she faced the stress.

Although your heart is breaking, you have to face the truth that the relationship has ended.

The country is now faced with recession.


defeat (N) (V)

admit/accept/concede   defeat   承認失敗

a   humiliating/heavy/crushing   defeat   重挫

suffer a defeat

a narrow defeat

Their first revolution ended in defeat.

We had six victories and two defeats.

The French defeated the English troops.

A stubborn person like her will never admit defeat.


humble (adj.)

in my humble opinion 依我的淺見

eat humble pie 低頭認錯

humble  origins/background  出身卑微

After boasting that he would win the election, Mr. Clooney has been forced to eat humble pie.

The president of the country rose from humble origins.


gentle (adj.)

gently (adv.)

a  gentle  smile/voice/breeze/wind/rain/hill/slope

Miranda tapped me gently on my shoulder from behind.

The mother sang gently to her baby.

Sitting on the porch feeling the gentle breeze on her face is Cindy’s greatest joy.


victory (N) = triumph, win

victorious (adj.)

victor (N)

win/gain/achieve  a  victory

victory  over/against + O

The new political party won a decisive victory at the polls.

A grand party was held for the victorious team after they returned from abroad.

Germany won a 2-0 victory over/against Italy in the game.


knowledge (N)

knowledgeable (adj.)

common knowledge 常識

to (the best of) my knowledge 就我所知

The speaker is extremely knowledgeable about art.

The rumor that Phoebe is going to quit is common knowledge in the company.

To the best of my knowledge, no one was injured in the accident.


ease (N)

at ease 輕鬆自在的

ill at ease侷促不安

lead a life of ease 過著舒適安逸的生活

to ease one’s mind 使(某人)放心

Listening to soft music and taking a warm bath always make me feel at ease.

Mary felt ill at ease before the driving test, so she took a deep breath and then got into the car.

She always feels ill at ease in front of boys.


stress (N) (V)

stressed (adj.) 感受到壓力的

stressful (adj.) 帶來壓力的

to stress sth 強調某事

= to  lay/put/place  stress on sth

= to emphasize sth

Our PE teacher always stresses the importance of doing warm-up exercise before playing any sport.

I have been really stressed out recently.

Teaching can be a very stressful job.

This course lays great stress on the importance of teamwork.


difficulty (N)

difficult (adj.)

reading/breathing  difficulties

have difficulty (in) doing sth  (做某事)有困難

run into  difficulty/trouble/problems  遇到困難

do sth     with difficulty

            without difficulty

Two years after taking a French class, he still has difficulty in listening and writing.

My brother always has difficulty communicating with my parents.

With his sprained ankle, Lisa could walk only with great difficulty.

John can spell the word without difficulty.


compassion (N)

compassionate (adj.)

out of compassion 出自於同情

The plight of the refugees arouses our compassion.

They took compassion on her children and offered them a home.

Peter is a deeply compassionate man.


master (V) (N)

master one’s fear of the  dark/flying/heights

a master’s degree

She has fully mastered the technique.

Students are expected to master a second foreign language.

Picasso is no doubt a master of modern painting.


seek (V)    seek-sought-sought

seeker (N)

seek help/advice 尋求幫助/忠告

seek employment 找工作

play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏

He sought to speak to her.

We sought in vain for the answer.

To enter the stockroom, you have to seek permission from the manager.


weep (V)    weep-wept-wept

weep with joy/anger

We all wept in silence for the victims of the earthquake.

The little girl wept with joy when she heard the news.


humility (N) 謙遜

humiliate (V) 羞辱

humiliating (adj.) 丟臉的

humiliation (N) 羞辱

His failure in business has taught him humility.

It was a humiliating defeat. I’d rather not talk about it.

The election results were a humiliation for the ruling party.


simplicity (N)

simple (adj.)

simply (adv.)

simplify (V)

simple-minded (adj.) 單純的

The Lins live a simple life on their farm; they enjoy the simplicity of life in the countryside.

I like buildings which are simple in style.

The advantage of the plan is its simplicity.

The speech is quite long and complex, and hard to simplify.

We should live our lives simply.


wisdom (N)

wise (adj.)

words/pearls  of wisdom

a wise  choice/decision/move/act

It is wise of sb  to V  

The book contains pearls of wisdom from several philosophers.

It is wise of you to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.


meekness (N)

meek (adj.)

as meek as a lamb

meek and mild溫順的

Rather than showing meekness, Tim stood up for himself.

Even when she was treated unfairly, she still seemed meek and mild.


dare (V) + to V

dare (aux.) + V

dare sb to V 挑戰某人敢不敢做某事

How dare you + V  你好大的膽子(竟敢做某件事)

How rude! I dare you to say that again!

That naughty boy dared his friend to jump from the tree.

Don’t you dare call me chicken again!

Don’t you dare come here again!

How dare you read my diary!

How dare you lie to me!



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