Book Four  Lesson Three


average (adj.) (N) (V)

on average

above/below  average

On average, Americans are taller than Japanese.

His annual income is well above average.


layer (N)

layer cake

the ozone layer

There is a thick layer of dust on everything in the deserted house.

There was a thin layer of oil on the surface of the water.


palm (N)

palm tree

read one’s palm

My mother has a special ability; she can tell your character and future by reading your palm.

The speaker had the audience in the palm of his hand


fold (V)

fold one’s arms/legs

The children were told to fold the paper in half.

My boss sat angrily at his desk with his arms folded.


tomb (N)

grave (N)    graveyard (N)    gravestone (N)

coffin (N)    funeral (N)    

inscription (N)-----> 複習:description, prescription, subscription, ascription


pillow (N)

In bed, I rest my head on a soft pillow filled with feathers.


wealth (N)

wealthy (adj.)

a wealth of 大量的

Judy has a wealth of travel experiences and she is going to write a book about them.


emperor (N)

empire (N)

He started off with one small factory, and now he's the head of an oil empire.


possession (N)

possess (V)

possessive (adj.)

This movie is about a girl who is possessed by the devil.

Iris came into possession of a vineyard when her uncle died.

Three young men were arrested for being in possession of illegal explosives.


manager (N)

manage (V)

management (N)

manage to V  設法做到某事

How did you manage to get their approval?

Peter manages a hotel for his father.

Mr. Robinson introduced better methods of management in this company.


hang (V)       hang-hung-hung 掛,吊       hang-hanged-hanged 絞死

hang in there

hang around

hang out with sb

In 2005, a Melbourne man was hanged in Singapore for drug trafficking.

Can you get me a couple of clothes hangers?


privacy (N)

private (adj.)

in private

private property

Instead of scolding him in front of his friends, I think you should talk to him in private.

That fellow can be very rude in private though in public he is usually polite.

The new law is designed to protect people's privacy

Lily is quite a private person. She does not like to talk about her personal feelings and thoughts.


mattress (N)

He kept his life's savings under his mattress.


straw (N)

straw man

the straw that breaks the camel’s back

Children enjoy drinking juice through a straw.

There is a straw in the wind indicating that peace is around the corner.

A drowning man will catch at a straw.


cotton (N)

cotton candy


cotton bud = Q-tip


metal (N)    字辨:mental (adj.) 心理的,智力的

metal detector

precious metal

heavy metal

Heat expands metal.

Metal, paper and glass can be recycled.
Silver, gold and platinum are precious metals.


spring (N)彈簧,春天,泉,根源   (V)跳躍,彈起,湧現,起源於,快速成長

spring from

spring to mind

spring into action

He rose with a spring and dashed out the door.

Her vanity was the spring of her unhappiness.

A cry of anger sprang from the crowd.

Franchised bookstores are springing up all over the city.

His hostility against me springs from the fight we had a few months ago.


brass (N)

brass band


pajamas (N)

When John answered the door, he just got up and was still in pajamas.


wrap (V)

Shelly wrapped the fish in foil and put it in the oven.

My little sister spent the whole afternoon wrapping up Christmas presents.


frame (N) (V)

frame of mind 心情

The couple framed all the photos from their honeymoon and hung them in the hallway.

The frame of the umbrella is made of metal.

He was in a bad frame of mind this morning.


style (N)

stylish (adj.)

The letter is written in a formal style.

Her hat is out of style.

You'll find several different styles of architecture in this street.


bunk (N)

bunk bed


adjustable (adj.)

adjust (V)

adjustment (N)

adjust to N/Ving

make some adjustments

Adjusting to a new environment is difficult for most children.

It takes a while to adjust to living in a foreign country.

Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness.

The company made an adjustment in my salary.





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