
Book Four   Lesson One


landscape (N)

a blot on the landscape 有礙觀瞻的建築物

I enjoyed the rural landscape near the small village.

Peter hopes to be a famous landscape painter.

That nuclear power plant is really a blot on the landscape.


straight (adj.) (adv.) (N)

straighten (V)

keep a straight face

get sth straight

Walk straight ahead for two more blocks, and you will see the bank on your right.

Be patient! We will straighten out the problem in a few hours.

I didn’t mean to pry; I just wanted to get things straight.


wood (N)

The pavilion is made of wood.

We're not yet out of the wood.


portrait (N)

self-portrait (N)

portray (V)

The book paints a vivid portrait of modern China.

This poem portrays life in ancient Rome so clearly that I can picture it in my mind.


pose (V) (N)

The increase in student numbers poses many problems for the schools.

His concern for the poor is a mere pose.


model (V) (N)

role model

In my opinion. Lisa is a model student.

Parents should act as role models for their children.


definite (adj.)

definitely (adv.) = certainly

define (V.)

definition (N)

It is definite that he will sigh the contract.

Jack proposed to Rose, but she made no definite answer.


resemblance (N)

resemble (V)

bear a   striking/remarkable/close/strong   resemblance to   極為相似

bear   little/no   resemblance to   不像

The boy bears a strong resemblance to his father.

The movie bears little resemblance to the original novel.


legend (N)

legendary (adj.)

legend has it that +子句     根據傳說

Robin Hood is a legendary figure, not a historical figure.

His survival on the deserted island has made him a living legend.


detailed (adj.)

detail (V) (N)

in detail 詳細地

go into details 詳細說明

down to the last detail 鉅細靡遺地

The bank clerk gave a detailed description of the robbery.

Gloria explained what had happened in detail.

Jean planned the trip down to the last detail.


insight (N)

insightful (adj.)

Good managers have insight into customers' needs.

His speech gave us an insight into the problems of education.


genius (N)

字辨:gene (N)   genuine (adj.)    genie (N)

Leonardo da Vinci was really a man of genius.

Your idea is certainly a stroke of genius!


brilliant (adj.)

brilliance (N)

He came up with a brilliant idea.

She is a brilliant violinist.


weapon (N)

nuclear/chemical/biological/atomic   weapons

Paul was charged with carrying an offensive weapon.

The police are still searching for the murder weapon.


captivating (adj.)

captivate (V)

captive (N)

The children were captivated by her story.

I will never forget her captivating smile.

He was a captive to her charms.


expressive (adj.)

express (V) 表達 (adj.) 快遞的,快運的 (N) 快遞

expression (N)

express delivery

David came to express his gratitude for our help.

Please send the package by express.

The appropriate use of English expressions is our main concern in the class.


enchanting (adj.)

enchanted (adj.)

enchant (V)

The sorcerer enchanted the beautiful princess.

The family was enchanted with the cute little girl.

The boy was enchanted with the toy.

She has the most enchanting smile.


alive (adj.) 活著的

live (V) 居住  live (adj.) 現場直播的   living (adj.) 現存的 (N) 生計

lively (adj.) 精力充沛的

alive and kicking 生氣勃勃

The injured man is unconscious but still alive.

Kevin was terribly ill last week, but now he is alive and kicking.


realistically (adv.)

realistic (adj.)

The investors were much more realistic about this company’s long term commercial prospects.

Realistically, we can't afford a piano.

The scene in the movie where the dinosaur hatches from the egg is incredibly realistic.


photograph (N)

photographer (N)

photography (N)

Mr. Brown prefers photographing places to people.

Do you want to take a photograph of this beautiful garden?

We photographed the house to document the damage done by the storm.


corner (N)

around the corner

force sb into a corner = have sb cornered

cut corners

turn the corner

It’s nearly the end of the school year, so final exams are just around the corner.

Don’t try to cut corners when you are working.

I was watching TV when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye


blurred (adj.)

blur (V) (N)

It all happened so long ago that it's just a blur to me now.

Tears blurred her eyes

Her eyes blurred with tears.


breathe (V)

breath (N)

breathe new life into sth

catch one’s breath

hold one’s breath

out of breath

When he finished the exam, he breathed a sigh of relief.

My teacher breathes down my neck all the time.


beat (V) (N)

I think Jack can beat all the runners in the country.

The rain was beating against the windows.

His heart beats violently.

Why should you beat around the bush when asking for better wages?


mischief (N)

mischievous (adj.)

What mischief is Jack up to?

The boy is a regular mischief in school.

There's a mischievous look on her face.

Some of the neighborhood kids like to get into mischief.
She's a cute little girl, but full of mischief.


intend (V)

intention (N)

What do you intend to do today?

We intend to go to Australia next year to visit our daughter.
The remark was intended as a compliment.

I have no intention of selling this house.
He had good intentions (= He meant to be kind), but unfortunately things just didn't work out.

The company was accused of intentionally dumping garbage into the river.

Do you think the insult was intentional?


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