
New Far East Book Three Lesson Nine


extinction (N)

on the verge of extinction

extinct (adj.)

extinct in the wild

endangered (adj.)

vulnerable (adj.)

near threatened

Many animals are threatened with extinction because of over-hunting.

The use of VCDs and DVDs is so widespread that the videotapes are almost extinct.

This documentary is about butterflies that are on the verge of extinction.

Dinosaurs became extinct a long time ago.


marine (adj.)

marine life

A marine biologist is a scientist who studies life in the sea.

Coral is one of the most amazing forms of marine life.

Seals and whales are marine animals.


endangered (adj.)

endanger (V)

Some marine turtles are listed as endangered. They will become extinct if the threat to their survival continues.

Tigers and rhinos are both on the list of endangered animals.

Low-quality food products can endanger our health.

Cutting trees will endanger the survival of wild animals.

字首:en- 使~

enable/ enlarge/ enrich/ enjoy


species (N)   注意:單複數同形

Is this plant native to this area, or is it a species brought here from somewhere else?

This is a rare species of orchid.

These plants look similar, but in fact they are different species.

They found thousands of new species of plants and animals on the island that they have never seen before.


habitat (N) 棲息地

habitation (N) 居住

inhabit (V) 居住

inhabitant (N) 居民

I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat, rather than in zoos.

It is sad to see these animals lose their habitat.

The inhabitants of the island were friendly.


mainly (adv.)

main (adj.)

main course 主菜

main idea 主旨

in the main 大部分

The committee is composed mainly of retired teachers.

The main reason that I choose to live in this area is the nearby park.

I’d like a shrimp cocktail for an appetizer and a steak for the main course.

Sometimes you can get the main idea of an article from the opening sentence.


deforestation (N)

deforest (V)

forest (N)

rain forest  雨林

Deforestation in Amazon region is now a global concern.

In this story, there is a witch who lives in the forest.

This region was deforested for farming and housing.

字首:de- 相反,減少,移除

decrease/ decaf/ decompose/ decode


agriculture (N)

agricultural (adj.)

Dr. Brown, an expert in agriculture, is going to give a speech about GM food.

Lacking natural resources, the country depends on imported agricultural products.


settler (N)

settle (V)

Fights between settlers and aboriginal people are not unusual in human history.

My sister married a German and settled in Berlin.


inevitably (adv.)

inevitable (adj.)

the inevitable 不可避免的事物,定局

I believe an arranged marriage will inevitably end in unhappiness.

To turn the economy around, sacrifice is inevitable.

We have to accept the inevitable.


threaten (V)

threat (N)

under threat of sth 受到~的威脅

pose a threat to 對~造成威脅

in a threatening voice 用威脅的語氣

Terrorists threatened to kill one hostage each hour if the police didn’t do what they asked.

Without the medicine, her life will be under threat.

The tourism boom poses a serious threat to preservation of the Great Wall.


starve (V)

starvation (N)

starving (adj.)

starved (adj.)

The president of Zambia said his nation would rather starve than feed genetically modified corn to its people.

Three years of drought resulted in the starvation of thousands of people.

War and starvation are two major problems local people have to face.


worse (adj.)

worsen (V)

go from bad to worse

for better or (for) worse





far-farther(比較遠)-farthest(最遠)     距離的差距

far-further(更進一步)-furthest(最遠)   時間、數量、程度的差距

Call me at once if the situation gets worse.

She cooks much worse than her husband does.

Nuts, especially peanuts, may trigger and worsen allergies.

When I married Joe, I promised to stay with him for better or worse.

I can't go any farther. I am too tired.

David sat farthest from the teacher.

They investigated further into the problem.

I think I need further help.


bloom (V) (N)

in full bloom 花朵盛開

Cherry trees bloom in February and March.

The lotus plants on the pond are now in full bloom.

Las Vegas blooms in desert for entertainment and tourism.


appropriate (adj.) ←→inappropriate (adj.)

Mark is waiting for an appropriate time to announce the news.

It is inappropriate to speak with your mouth full of food.


mate (N) (V)

teammate/classmate/schoolmate/roommate/soul mate

Male animals attract mates in many ways, for example, through smell, sound, dance, posture or a colorful appearance.


inbreeding (N) 近親繁殖

breed (V) (N) 飼養

inbred (adj.) 天生的

breeding (N) 繁殖

Human have very strong taboos against inbreeding.

One danger for inbred population is genetic disease.

What breed is your cat?

Human activities are severely prohibited during an animal’s breeding season.


adaptable (adj.)

adapt (V) 適應、改編

字辨:adopt (V) 採取、領養       adept (adj.) 熟練的

Children are more adaptable than their parents.

The job will bring enormous changes to my life, and I don’t know if I can adapt to them.

The movie has been adapted from a famous novel.


vulnerable (adj.)

I don't want to hurt her feeling. She seems vulnerable.


fur (N)

furless (adj.)

Genuine fur coats usually cost a fortune.

Baby kangaroos are furless and only one inch long when they are born.


lick (V) (N)

Liz took a bite of pizza and licked her lips.

The little girl had a lick of the ice cream and felt pleased with herself.


predator (N) ←→prey (UN) 獵物

Predators like sharks, crocodiles and leopards are some of nature’s top killers.

Many women and children have fallen prey to domestic violence.

People who are too trusting are easy prey for scammers.


fortunately (adv.) ←→unfortunately

fortunate (adj.) ←→unfortunate

fortune (N) ←→misfortune

fortune-teller 算命師

make a fortune 賺大錢

Fortunately, a heaven-sent rainstorm saved the crops from the drought.

Unfortunately, the painting is on loan at this moment. You won’t be able to see it until next year.

Mr. Smith spent a fortune redecorating his house.

His father made a big fortune by investing in the stock market.

Such a luxurious vacation must cost a fortune.


measure (N)措施   (V)測量

The government was urged to take measures to combat the spread of AIDS.

Immediate measures must be taken to fight against terrorism.

Success can not be measured by how much money you have.


fund (N) 基金會

funds (N) 資金

raise funds 籌募基金

The fund was established to help the disabled.

I dream of running a flower shop of my own, but I am too short of funds to do it.

Scott set up a fund for his family in case of emergency.


reserve (V) (N)

reservation (N)

nature/wildlife reserve

You cannot enter the forest reserve without a permit.

We kept some food in reserve before the typhoon came.

I reserved a table at a Japanese restaurant for my father’s birthday celebration.

Priority seats are reserved for the elderly, the disabled and women with babies.


program (N)

What is your favorite television program?

This is a very good program, but we need money to put it into practice.


preserve (V) (N)

preservation (N)

The church is very well preserved even though it is eight hundred years old.

The people preserved extra fish and meat for future use.

Keeping food in an airtight container will ensure its preservation.

There is a jar of preserves in the fridge.





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