
New Far East Book Three Lesson Seven


ring (V) (N)


ring a bell 聽起來熟悉

Sara’s engagement ring costs 50000 dollars.

I will ring him tonight to see if he wants to come to the party.

“Five o’clock. Rock restaurant. Does that ring a bell to you?” “I am sorry that I stood you up. I totally forgot it.”


alarm (V) (N)

alarming (adj.)

alarmed (adj.)

a fire alarm

a false alarm

set the alarm for 把鬧鐘設定在~點鐘

We were alarmed when we heard the loud bang.

An alarming number of teenagers are unhappy with their lives these days.

If you hear the fire alarm, everyone should leave the building through the emergency exit.

He was smoking in the bathroom and it set off the smoke alarm.


drowsily (adv.)

drowsy (adj.)

drowsiness (N)

You may experience some drowsiness after taking this medicine.

Sarah answered my question drowsily, showing no interest at all.


smooth (adj.) (V)

smoothly (adv.)

as smooth as silk 非常平滑

She smoothed the sheets and blankets before she left the bedroom.

I hope things go smoothly at the party tonight.


roll (V) (N)

A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滾石不生苔

A coin rolled across the floor.

The children rolled the snowball across the yard.

The baby is old enough to roll over by himself.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she watched the sad movie.


colleague (N)

Marlin is getting along very well with his colleagues.



associate (N) (V)

association (N)

associate with 和某人來往

associate A with B   AB聯想在一起

in association with ~有關聯

The boys don’t associate with the girls much in this class.

People often associate fast cars with Italy or Germany.

This activity was organized by the school in association with a number of local business.


globalized (adj.)

global (adj)

globalization (N)

global warming

global economy

a global catastrophe

the global village

the globalization of Western culture

Globalization is changing the way people do business these days.

We must globalize our products if we want to compete in the new world economy.


amazing (adj.)

amaze (V)

amazed (adj.)

amazement (N)

to one’s amazement

in amazement

It amazed me that the kids ran around for so long without getting tired.

We were amazed to see Lisa and her ex-boyfriend walking arm-in-arm down the street.

To my amazement, she came up to me and asked me to dance with her.

Tom sang beautifully, and his classmates looked on in amazement.


rapid (adj.)

make rapid progress

The students gave rapid answers to the teacher’s questions.

Nowadays, we are seeing a rapid growth in the divorce rate.


growth (N)

grow (V)

growing (adj.)

grown (adj.)

He is a grown man. He should be able to deal with the problem.

That summer course he took was really good for his personal growth.

She is finding things difficult right now, but I think that’s just growing pains.


decade (N)

the next decade

the last decade


aspect (N)

There are concerns about the safety aspect of holding a concert in this hall.

His drinking problem affects every aspect of his life.


variety (N)

vary (V)

various (adj.)

variable (adj.)

variable weather

a variety of

Varying your choice of food can help you stay healthy.

For various reasons, Vincent decided to turn down the job offer.


access (N) (V)

get/have access to 得以接近或使用

I finally gained access to the important files.

You can’t access that website if you don’t have a login name and password.




online (adj.) (adv.)

an online dictionary/newspaper

online banking/shopping

online ordering service

I have never bought anything online. Can you show me how?


feast (N) (V)

feast on 大吃大喝

feast your eyes on 飽覽(景色)

a visual feast

a feast for the eyes

We are going to feast on roast lamb tonight.

Feast your eyes on the breathtaking views of the harbor as you climb to the top of the tower.


customer (N)

customer service

regular customer

The chain store provides its customers with excellent after-sales service.


discuss (V)

discussion (N)

discuss a(n) issue/matter/subject/topic/plan/proposal

hold discussions

under discussion

The sales team are in the conference room discussing how to promote the new product.

The new budget for the university is under discussion at the moment.

We had a long discussion about her performance yesterday.


relaxing (adj.)

relax (V)

relaxed (adj.)

relaxation (N)

a relaxing vacation/bath

a relaxed atmosphere/situation

What you need now is a relaxing vacation.

She looked very relaxed during the interview.

Ken is a workaholic; he never does anything for relaxation.


greet (V)

greeting (N)

a greeting card

greet sb with a smile

           open arms

When she gets off the train, I am going to greet her with a big kiss.

When I went into the kitchen, I was greeted by the wonderful smell of cooking.

Representatives from both companies briefly exchanged greetings and then started the discussion.


fluent (adj.)

fluency (N)

be fluent in + 語言

Emily is fluent in French and English.

The job requires fluency in Chinese and English.


accent (N)

He has a very strong Scottish accent.


obvious (adj.)

obviously (adv.)

Tina is the obvious choice for class leader.


dye (V) (N)

She dyed the shirt blue.

He colored the cloth with a green dye.



He was wearing old-fashioned glasses.

What I think you should do with the money – to use an old-fashioned expression my grandma always uses – is to save it for a rainy day.


local (adj.) (N)

We will be arriving in London at two o’clock local time.

Ask the locals. They will tell you where you can rent a cheap car.


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