
New Far East Book Two

Lesson Four Vocabulary


offend (V)

offender (N)

offense (N)

offensive (adj.)

字辨:defense (N) 防禦

a first/repeat offender 初犯者/累犯者

a minor/capital offense 輕罪/死罪

No offense. 無意冒犯 (但接下來要講的話可能不中聽)

The best form of defense is offense.

I don’t mean to cause any offense, but I don’t think your idea is a good one.

No offense, but I think the soup is a bit salty.

We were offended by his vulgar language.

The advertisements were highly offensive to woman.


prefer (V)

preference (N)

preferable (adj.) 更好的;更合意的

prefer A to B  比較喜歡A

have a preference for 偏好

Good health is preferable to wealth.

Your idea is preferable to mine.

I prefer winter to summer.

Put a check in the box next to your first preference.


server (N)

serve (V)

service (N)

servant (N)

The criminal is serving time for armed robbery.

Government workers are also called public servants.


politically (adv.)

political (adj.)

politician (N) 政治人物

politics (N) 政治

Einstein once said, "Politics is much more difficult than physics."

Politicians are busy near election time.

That country is politically stable


attempt (N) (V)

attempted (adj.) 未遂的

make an attempt to 試圖

in an attempt to試圖

My father made an attempt to quit smoking, but failed.

In attempt to calm her down, I suggested that we take a walk.


respectful (adj.)

disrespectful (adj.)

respect (N) (V)

self-respect (N) 自尊心

respectable (adj.)值得尊敬的;數量可觀的

show respect for privacy 尊重個人隱私

pay one’s respects to 代為問候

For Elsa, a very respectable job is the most important thing in life.

I kicked the winning goal, and won the respect of all my teammates.

Students are supposed to have respect for their teachers.

The disrespectful boy laughed at his father.


emphasis (N)

emphasize (V)

emphatic (adj.)

put/place/lay  an emphasis on ~重視

Miss Johnson’s class places an emphasis on group work.

Environmental protection groups were emphatic about the necessity of recycling.

The speaker emphasized what he was saying by waving his hands


passenger (N)

This bus can carry 50 passengers.



flight (N)

flight attendant空服員

flight crew機組人員

a domestic flight 國內線班機

an international flight  國際線班機

Many flights from Chicago were delayed due to bad weather.


attendant (N)

a queen's attendants 女王的侍從


profession (N) = occupation

professional (adj.) (N) <-> amateur 業餘愛好者

by profession ~為職業

I am an English teacher by profession.

She intends to make teaching her profession.

He is a professional complainer.


occupy (V)

occupation (N)

be occupied with 忙著~

After he came back from England, Joseph was occupied with his new job.

What’s your occupation? Are you a police officer?

The enemy soon occupied the town.


term (N)

long-term <-> short-term

in the long term

long-term memory 長期記憶

Getting health insurance costs money, but it is necessary in the long term.


treat (V) (N)

treatment (N)對待;治療

This is my treat. 我請客

fair treatment 公平對待 <->unjust treatment

dental treatment

You can use the syrup to treat a bad cough.

Scientists are seeking a new treatment for bird flu.

Do not treat this serious matter as a joke.

How could you treat her like dirt?


fairly (adv.)

fair (adj.) (N)博覽會

fair-weather friends 酒肉朋友

fair and square 正大光明地

a book fair

She passed the drug test, so she won the swimming race fair and square.

He was fairly beside himself with joy.

She is a fairly good dancer.


visualize (V)

visual (adj.)

visualize + Ving 想像做~事

I can’t visualize spending a night in a forest alone.

I remember meeting the man before but I can't visualize him


male (N) (adj.)

female (N) (adj.)

male  employees/students/population 男性  員工/學生/人口

Sixty percent of the country’s workforce is male.

A male nurse took my temperature.


issue (N) (V)發行

at issue 爭論中的

make an issue of 小題大做

raise an issue 提出問題

deal with an issue 處理問題

have issue with sb 與某人意見不合

Human cloning has become an issue as far as ethics are concerned.

I am just as angry as you are, but let’s not make an issue of it.

The post office issued the stamps last week.



racial (adj) 種族的

racial bias/prejudice/discrimination 種族偏見/歧視

He was a man of noble race.


disability (N)

disable (V)

disabled (adj.)

ability (N)

able (adj.)

be able to V

In the past, polio disabled thousands of children.

The traffic accident left her disabled, and she could never walk again.


imply (V)

implication (N)

implicit (adj.) 暗示的

The teacher’s facial expression implied her dissatisfaction with the students’ test results.

The boss made the implication that some employees might be laid off due to the economic slowdown.


frequently (adv.)

frequent (adj.)

frequency (N) 頻率

a frequent visitor/occurrence 常來的訪客/常有的事

Tension is a frequent cause of depression.

According to the report, people tend to exercise less frequently in winter.

Accidents are happening with increasing frequency.


speech (N)

speechless (adj.)

Upon hearing the news, Sally was speechless with shock.

Speech is silver, silence is golden.


simply (adv.)

simplify (V)

simplified (adj.)

simplicity (N)

People in Mainland China write in simplified Chinese characters.

My grandmother lived very simply.

I simply can't believe it.

The advantage of the idea was its simplicity.



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