
Sanmin Book Two Unit Five Vocabulary


blame (V)

They blamed the car crash on the careless driver.

The passengers put the blame for the delay of the bus on the heavy rain.

The police took the blame for the escape of the suspect.


nag (V)

Mrs. Collins always nags at her son about his messy room.
The boss is always nagging his employees.
Sandra keeps nagging her husband to quit smoking.


stress (N) (V)強調

stressed (adj.)

stressful (adj)

Exercise helps reduce your stress.

Natalie has been stressed at work lately. She has to meet a lot of deadlines.

This article stressed the importance of balance diet.

Teaching is a stressful job.


recent (adj.)

recently (adv.)

The economy of this country has improved a great deal in recent years.
A recent study showed that climate change has destroyed wildlife habitats.


silence (N)

silent (adj.)

We ate in silence and waited for someone to break the ice.

While the professor spoke, the auditorium fell silent. The audience paid full attention to his speech.


apology (N)

apologize (V)

The customers are waiting for an apology from the manager of the store.
I think I owe you an apology.

Vicky apologized to her family for her bad temper.


explode (V)

explosion (N)

explosive (adj)      (N)炸藥

a huge / massive / powerful / serious / tremendous explosion 大爆炸

high explosives高性能炸藥     plastic explosive塑膠炸藥

Having been waiting for her boyfriend for two hours, Carol exploded with anger.

By 2050, the world population is expected to explode to 90 billion people.

The terrorists triggered an explosion in the downtown area.

These chemicals are highly explosive. Make sure you store them in a cool place.


channel (N)

radio / television channels廣播/電視頻道    

cable / satellite channels有線/衛星頻道

Tammy kept changing channels to look for a cooking show.

It is important for the government to open channels of communication with the public.


complain (V)

complaint (N)

file/make a complaint提出抱怨

Dave complained to his parents that he didn't have any privacy. He wanted to have his own room.
        The man keeps complaining to the foreman about the long working hours.

The publisher received a lot of complaints from the readers who found errors in the book.

The manager is trained to handle different kinds of customer complaints.

planet (N)

Do you believe that there are other forms of life on other planets?

The scientists are trying to protect some endangered animals on the planet.


expert (N)


take advice from an expert接受專家的建議

an expert claims / believes / advises that+子句   專家聲稱/相信/建議

If you have any question, you may as well consult an expert.

The new manager has brought much financial expertise to the company.


match (N)

James's friends are helping James to find a job that matches his interest.

Sheila is looking for a shirt to match her jeans.

I think Albert is a great match for Josh. This will be a very exciting game.

All the players were doing their best in the match, hoping to win the championship.

I struck a match to light the candle.


theory (N)


The scientist proposed a theory to explain how dinosaurs became extinct.

Your plan is great in theory, but I'm not sure if it will work in practice.

The students already have theoretical knowledge of chemical experiments, but they are lacking in    practical experience.


reply (V) (N)



When receiving the e­mail from his girlfriend, Kim replied immediately.
        When asked about his opinion, Phillip replied hesitantly.

It has been two weeks, and I haven't received Eric's reply.

The best­selling author is writing in reply to her fans' query about the plot.


clip (N)

I have heard an audio clip from the speech.

        Ariel fastened her hair with a clip.


gender (N)

gender identity性別認同

gender differences性別差異

gender bias性別偏見

gender stereotype性別刻板印象

Discrimination on grounds of race or gender is forbidden


message (N)

messenger (N)

message board留言板     text message (手機)簡訊

Can I take a message? (接電者為來電者留言)

Sure, I'd like to leave her a message. (來電者留言給欲聯絡的人)

The messenger could never accomplish his mission because he was shot dead.



scan (V)


Caroline scanned the article quickly for main points.

The expectant mother needs to have an ultrasound scan to make sure that her baby is healthy.

The girl scanned the newspaper for some news.

Please have a scan of this review and tell me how you think about it.


sex (V)

sexual (adj.)

sexual harassment性騷擾

sexual abuse性暴力


This course teaches students how to get along with members of the opposite sex.

Students of different sexes live in different dormitories.

This law aims to eliminate sexual inequality.


emotion (N)

emotional (adj.)

emotionally (adv.)

The poor woman suffered from some emotional problems, feeling depressed.

Thanks to the emotional support of my family, I feel confident in doing everything.

Michelle got so emotional that she lost control of herself.

This love song is very touching. It arouses people's deep emotions.

Many men find it difficult to express their emotions.

The old soldier spoke emotionally about the cruelty of the war.


stimulate (V)

stimulation (N)




The issuing of these coupons is intended to stimulate consumption.

Give your pet dog lots of mental and physical stimulation and it will become smarter.

I like the intellectual stimulation of a chess game.


strike (V) (N)

The mother was struck by the thought that she hadn't fed her baby yet.

It struck Andrew that he forgot to call his dentist to cancel his appointment.

The angry man struck his fist on the wall.

The workers on strike were only asking a better working environment.
The employees went on a strike for higher pay.

sth occurs to sb . . . 某人想到某事

It occurs to sb that . . .

A solution occurred to Wendy when she was taking a shower. Now, her problem was solved.

It occurred to Frances that she was supposed to turn off the air conditioner before she left the office.


gap (N)

The girl is trying to bridge the gap between her and her parents.
The generation gap is very common between parents and children.
The government is managing to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor.











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