
Sanmin Book One Lesson One Vocabulary

  1. recipe (N)

recipe for success

He thinks the one recipe for success lies in hard work.

I'd like to have your recipe for cookies.


  1. friendship (N)

The friendship between Jason and Mark deepened.

The two boys formed a deep and lasting friendship.

The Indians have extended the hand of friendship.


authorship/ championship/ fellowship/ leadership/ sportsmanship

friendly (adj.)

environmentally-friendly/ eco-friendly


  1. chef (N)


Poet Laureate

I decided to write a poem about spring.

Elements of poetry include rhythm, simile, metaphor, theme and so on.

Can you tell the difference between poetic language and practical language?


  1. satisfy (V)

satisfied (adj.)

satisfying (adj.)

satisfaction (N)     to one’s satisfaction /  a sense of satisfaction   

Our company will do everything to satisfy our customers.

You can't apply for the job until you have satisfied certain conditions.

Her remarks satisfied his doubts.

He smiled in satisfaction when he won the race.

The result is satisfying.

They have plenty of satisfied customers.

The boy left with a satisfied smile/look.

I'm not satisfied with the way he cut my hair

Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did it cost?



  1. soul (N)

body and soul = completely

not a soul = no one


  1. pour (V)

pour oil on troubled waters

She poured herself another cup of tea.

They have poured money into the tourist industry

The crowd poured out of the concert hall

It never rains, but it pours.


similarly (adv.)

similarity (N)

Her ideas are quite similar to mine

The two cars are very similar in size and design

There are some striking similarities between the two plays.


  1. mix (V) (N)

mixture (N)

Shake the bottle well so that the oil mixes with the vinegar

I always mix him up with his brother. They look so much alike

I had mixed feelings about meeting Laura again

His first reaction was a strange mixture of joy and anger.

A mix of people attended the meeting.


10.   trust (V) (N) ←→distrust

I have no trust in him. = I don’t trust him.

You can put/place your trust in me. = You can trust me.


11.   hug (V) (N)

They hugged each other for the success.


12.   ton (N)

The movie star received tons of fan mail.


13.   encouragement (N) ←→ discouragement (N)

encourage (V) ←→ discourage (V)

courage (N)

Violent TV programs encourage anti-social behavior

With encouragement, Sally is starting to play with the other children


14.   bit (N)

bit by bit

I may need a bit of help.


15.   effort (N)

I know you don't like her, but please make an effort to be polite

We make every effort to satisfy clients' wishes.

The patient felt so uncomfortable that even breathing was an effort.

Lucy tried to hold back her tears with an effort.

with an effort ←→ without effort


16.   stove (N)


17.   stir (V)

She stirred her coffee with a plastic spoon.


18.   attention (N)

attentive (adj.)

She tried to pay attention to what he was saying

As a society we need to give more attention to the needs of older people.

Her case attracted a great deal of media attention

Please turn off the radio. It distracts my attention.

Rob loves being the center of attention

All the audience are attentive to the speaker.


19.   thus (adv.) = therefore


20.   worth (prep.)

worthless (adj.) ←→ valuable (adj.)/ priceless (adj.)

worth one’s salt

The film is worth seeing.

The local museum is worth a visit.

It was a lot of hard work, but it was worth it.

It's worth checking the details of the contract before you sign it

worthy (adj.)

A couple of other books are worthy of mention.

考題:『worthy of+動名詞』與『worth+動名詞』在形式上完全不同:worthy of後面接被動式的動名詞;而worth後面接主動式的動名詞,雖然在形式上是主動的,但其意義仍然是被動的。試比較: The second-hand house is worthy of being bought. = The second-hand house is worth buying.

表「值得」... 的用法(公式)

1. be worth   + V-ing/N             (註:worth 是介係詞)

2. = be worthy of   + V-ing/N        (註:worthy 是形容詞)

3. = it is worthwhile to   + VR V-ing

4. = it is worth one's while to   + VR


This book is worth reading.

= This book is worthy of being read.

= This book is worthy to be read.

= It is worthwhile to read the book. It is worthwhile reading the book.

= It is worth my while to read the book.












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