

indicate (V)

indication (N)

Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.

This map gives no indication of the heights of the hills.


regulation (N) = rule

regular (adj) <-> irregular (adj)

a regular life 規律的生活/ a regular customer 常客/ a regular meeting 例行會議

obey/conform to/comply with    a regulation   遵守規則

keep regular hours早睡早起

Laura was one of his regular customers.

He was fined for breaking traffic regulations.


warn (V)

warning (N)

warn  sb  against (doing) sth = warn  sb  not to do sth 警告某人不要做某事

warn  sb  of sth      警告某人某事

warn  sb  that+子句

He warned me against going outside alone at night.

They warned him of the danger.

The weather station warned that a hurricane was coming.

The red light is a warning sign for stop.


situation (N) = condition, state

situated (adj.) 位於~

in a  dangerous/hopeless/embarrassing  situation 在~情況下

political situation 政局/ economic situation 經濟情勢

the international situation 國際局勢

He is in a difficult situation.

The house is situated in the suburbs.


被動 be situated/ be located

主動 sit/ stand/ lie/ rest

The Mill Ends Park is situated in the middle of the road.


divide (V) = separate, cut

divide sth into ~  將某物區分成~區塊(項目)

divide A from B   AB分開

division (N) 部門,分配,劃分

dividers (N) 圓規

The teacher divided our class into four groups.

12 divided by 4 equals 3.

My brother and I agreed on a fair division of labor. He does the cleaning and I do the cooking.


narrow (adj.) (V)

narrow-minded (adj.) <-> open-minded (adj.)

a narrow victory 險勝/ a narrow escape 千鈞一髮/ narrow down 縮小(範圍)

The street is too narrow for a truck.

Their demands had narrowed down to only two points.

His narrow-minded article made me angry.

The government must try to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor.


rock (N) (V)

as solid as a rock 堅若磐石

on the rocks 觸礁,失敗;酒類飲料加冰塊

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.


His purpose remains as firm as a rock.

Would you like your whiskey on the rocks?

I'm afraid Tim's marriage is on the rocks.


area (N)

a downtown area 市區/ a commercial area 商業區/ a residential area 住宅區

a industrial area 工業區/ an agricultural area 農業區

a parking area 停車場/ a camping area 露營區

a nonsmoking area 非吸煙區

area code (電話)區碼/ zip code = postcode(寄信)郵遞區號

The city covers an area of 15 square kilometers.

Crime rates are significantly higher in urban areas.


deer (N) 單複數同形

a deer / many deer / a herd of deer

reindeer 糜鹿

The hunter led a pack of dogs to chase the deer to the edge of the cliff.


a swarm of pests (bees, ants, flies)

a flock of sheep (goats, birds, ducks)

a herd of cattle (cows, deer, elephants)

a pack of dogs (wolves)

a school of fish



wander (V)

wanderer (N)

wonder (V)好奇(N)驚奇

The poet wanted to wander those countries on his own.

During the storm the ship wandered from its course.


stroll in a relaxed way for pleasure
with no aim or direction
in a confident or angry way
for long distances in the countryside or the mountains
very quietly
in an unsteady way because you are drunk or injured
with difficulty because one leg is painful or injured


unfortunately (adv.) <-> fortunately

unfortunate (adj.)

fortune (N)

fortune cookie 幸運餅乾

make a fortune 賺大錢

tell sb’s fortune 算命(告知某人他的命運)

fortune-telling (N) 算命/ fortune-teller 算命師

We will do our utmost to help those unfortunate people.

Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening.

She told my fortune by reading my palm.


replace (V)

replaceable (adj.)

replacement (N)

replace A with B  B來取代A

Electric lights have replaced candles.

We need a replacement for the secretary who left.


therefore (adv.) = hence, thus, as a result

He was down with the flu, and therefore couldn't come to the party.


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